Commitment to Accessibility


At Vincam Healthcare, we are committed to ensuring that our services and programs are accessible to everyone, including individuals with disabilities, and that they are delivered with the highest customer service that aligns with our vision and mission.
Vincam Healthcare maintains the core principles of quality service for all, respect, trust and dignity in all our interactions. We are committed to accommodating individuals with disabilities in order to access the services and programs provided by our organization through the use of assistive devices or any alternative measures
Vincam Healthcare will take a person’s disability into account when communicating with the individual
Vincam Healthcare will respond immediately to feedback on how our goods or services affect everyone, especially people with disabilities. Our actions will be communicated to everyone involved in the process
Vincam Healthcare will ensure that our health care service providers, third-party suppliers and staff members who deal directly with the public and/or those who participate in the development of our policies and procedures, receive training regarding the provision of goods and services to people with disabilities and upholding the mission of quality service